
All brakes until 2019
MT2, MT4, MT6, MT8, MTS
ECE R90 Approved for G1652 compound
With these enhancements the user gets a permanent braking response, with the same behavior throughout his life, improving bicycle control and increase confidence and security of the rider.
The materials used for manufacturing these compounds are specific to the sector of bicycle and its variables (weight, ground, humidity, temperature, noise, etc.).
Similarly, GALFER has a wide variety of different compounds for motorcycles (road, off-road, urban, sport, competition, etc..)
: Braking power : Performance extreme conditions : Fading resistance : Durability
All brakes until 2019
MT2, MT4, MT6, MT8, MTS
Elixir 1, 3, 5, 7 XX, X0
XX, X0, X7, X9, DB, Level, T, TL, Red AXS, Rival AXS, Force AXS (Flatmount 2-Piece)
Saint, Zee, XT BR-M7120, BR-M8020, BR-M8120, BR-MT420, XTR BR-M9120, MT501, MT520, BR-M6120
HD-E725, HD-M735, HD-M745, HD-M750
Quadiem, SL, Slate T4, DH-R EVO
Oro 18K/24K
Code 2007-2010
BB5 (Ball Bearing 5)
MX-2 (2004), MX-3 (mecanic), MX-4, MX-5, GX-2, Sole
Julie HP, Louise (2007-), Marta SL (2009-)
Mono Trial, DB110, Tech3 Trial, Trial Zone
Nexave C-910, Deore BR-M555
Deore XT BR-M965/966/975, Deore LX BR-M655/765/775, Saint XT (04-07), XTR (03-07)
Alivio BR-MT200, Deore BR-C601, BR-M355, BR-M375, BR-M395, BR-M415, BR-M416, BR-M445, BR-M446, BR-M447, BR-M465, BR-M475, BR-M485, BR-M486, BR-M495, BR-M505, BR-M506, BR-M515, BR-M525, BR-M575, BR-MT400, BR-MT500, BR-T615, LX BR-T675
Auriga, Dorado, Draco, Gemini, HDC 300, Mota, Orion
Hylex, Spyre, Dash Sport, HY/RD
HFX-9, MAG, MX-1
Hidraulic, Mecanic
BB7, Juicy 3/5/7/Ultimate/Carbon
Mono M4
Deore XT BR-M755
Gustav M (-2006)
C2, O2 (2 pistons)
XC4 (4 pistons)
Clara (01-02), Louise (02-06)
Clara (-2000), Louise (-2001)